We focus on fostering our pupils’ personal strengths
Our principal mission is to educate our students to be inquisitive, self-confident and open-minded, as this will ensure they have a successful future.
The Caxton Way
We place students on a path made up of three main threads:
Key Stage 3
During this educational stage (Year 7 to 9), students follow: English Language, Mathematics, Science, Spanish Language and Literature and Spanish Social Studies (or Spanish as an Additional Language), Religion or Ethics, French or German, Valencian Language, Geography, History, Computing, Music, Personal Development, Aspire and Physical Education.
Key Stage 4
In Years 10 and 11, the last two years of compulsory Secondary education, the curriculum becomes more flexible with students having a number of compulsory subjects as well as the choice of three optional subjects, which are made according to their preferences and future career plans:
Caxton College’s Art Department provides a stimulating environment that inspires, encourages and enriches students’ understanding of the world of art and design.
Through concrete, imaginative and creative activities, students develop a wide range of artistic skills. This approach helps them to express their emotions, feelings, and ideas through visual means.
Keeping a sketchbook close by, observing art that appears in everyday life (such as in jewellery, advertising, fashion or architecture) and visiting galleries or art museums are some of the recommendations we make for our students to optimise their creative ability.
As the student progresses from year to year, the objectives of this subject increase in complexity. These include knowledge of 20th century European art, creative and experimental techniques, printing, drawing, relief, the media, photography and new technologies.
Students will use colour, shape, texture, printing and different materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think. This allows them to discover the wealth and variety found in art and design, and to express themselves in an individual way. We aim to promote the students’ self-confidence, enthusiasm and feeling of fulfilment whilst working on all projects. Understanding, appreciating and enjoying art has the power to enrich our lives.
Young Caxton Artists Gallery
The school has a permanent exhibition space that displays artwork created by Secondary Art pupils. It is located by one of the main entrances of the school, where parents, students, and employees walk past daily, in order for everyone to have the opportunity to connect with their emotions through art. Students are motivated to know that their work may be included in one of the permanent exhibitions.
Temporary Exhibitions and Catalogues
Our main aim is to showcase the works that the Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9), Year 11 and Sixth Form Art students have created throughout the school year. The two exhibitions that are organised each year are accompanied by a catalogue of the pupils’ work. These exhibitions, which the public can view with an invitation, also include a visit by a prestigious artist who speaks with students and motivates them to pursue their creative talents.
During the first year’s study of this subject, students acquire basic knowledge of concepts and learn to apply these in the context of beginning to understand how businesses work.
In their second year they will continue study of the same topics but will develop a deeper understanding of them.
Throughout the years of study, the department encourages students to be curious and to use a critical approach to understand that business behaviour can be studied and understood from different perspectives. They are also advised to read information related to the economy and business world linked to the United Kingdom and to the rest of the world.
Some of the main topics that will be studied in this subject are related to international business, the advantages and disadvantages of multinational companies, strategic decision-making, analysis of competition, how to manage change, global markets and business expansion.
In this subject, students reinforce their abilities to speak in public, debate, write, think and empathise, in order to learn to make appropriate decisions for their future and achieve their most ambitious aims.
Among the objectives of this subject are the development of a growth mentality and of the student’s self-control, the application of study techniques, practising communication skills and proper debate technique, as well as a philosophy for young adults.
They also work on a guide of university degrees to explore different academic options, as well as future careers and opportunities for work experience.
English Language and Literature offers students the opportunity to open doors to the world and participate actively in a global society. To this aim, this subject develops an interest in English literature, promoting reflection, analysis, empathy and cultural awareness through enjoyable, entertaining and stimulating classes.
Throughout Secondary, students are encouraged to read books and magazines in English in order to acquire good reading habits, and to discuss authors, characters and themes related to literature. They are also required to write at an appropriate level, so a dictionary is an indispensable tool in their study of the language. Oral comprehension and written expression, in different styles such as informational, persuasive and explanatory, are part of the linguistic objectives of the subject at this stage of education.
Additionally, students will read from different literary genres (poetry, fiction, and plays) and develop the ability to write different kinds of text analysis. They will study British works and authors belonging to the classic literary canon, the most famous representative of which is Shakespeare.
In the Ethics Department, we aim for students to learn social and ethical values in a practical way as well as in theory. In this way, the pupils can begin to understand that all of us have our part in contributing to a functioning society.
This is a subject where real-life experiences are essential to understanding, and for this reason pupils’ families must play a part in their education.
The subject objectives include knowledge of justice and responsibility, development of debating and research skills, understanding of human rights and civil liberties, the perception of power, politics and the media, and social and cultural identities.
Our main objectives include promoting the students’ interest in the extensive Francophone culture and providing teaching to an advanced level in the language’s many applications. Our recommendations to students in all key stages are:
The objectives and requirements become more demanding with each key stage.
Without the science of Geography, the world would still be a mystery to us. Now that we have entered an era in which human beings are able to have a profound effect on the Earth, the subject of Geography has never been so relevant.
In this department, our objective is to cover interesting, useful and demanding topics in all year groups. Our aim is also to reinforce the students’ abilities in individual and group work, research, data analysis and publication of information. Pupils will study in a positive environment that reinforces their self-confidence, with enthusiastic and dedicated teachers.
During this stage, students will study cartography, the environment, climatology, different ecosystems and the origins of earthquakes, volcanoes and floods, as well as other topics that are part of an extensive and diverse syllabus.
At Caxton College, the German language is taught as part of the curriculum and plays a key role in the development of language skills and awareness of different cultures. The objectives are: to develop skills that enable them to effectively use the language to communicate in real-life situations and to provide a deep understanding of the German, Austrian and Swiss cultures, whilst promoting positive attitudes toward the study of foreign languages and their native speakers. Year 9 students have the opportunity to participate in an exchange that we organise with a school in Germany.
We recommend that our students read on a regular basis, make a note of new vocabulary to learn on their own, show interest in speaking and participate in lessons. They should make an effort to apply grammatical rules to their written work and review it carefully. Students have the option to attend a weekly conversation workshop.
History is a subject that requires curiosity and imagination from its students. History helps students to develop their own identity through knowledge of those events that occurred in local, national or international spheres. This helps students to ask questions and to develop different perspectives of the same event. History provides them with the resources to reject information that has not been subject to critical analysis.
The study of History is not just about memorising dates and historical facts, but also requires the student to analyse the past effectively. Pupils will travel back in time and dive into the History of England and all of the most significant events that took place in Europe in the twentieth century.
It is recommended that students be interested in historical events in a variety of ways, such as through excursions to visit monuments, watching documentaries and films, or talking to family members about historical events. Reading the newspaper is also useful as it helps develop critical analysis and interpret different sources of information.
The main objective of the ICT Department is to ensure that students are proficient in information technology, developing a wide range of skills and familiarising themselves with the best known tools of Microsoft and Adobe. Another objective is to get students to know both sides of the network. The internet is a fantastic tool for communication but pupils should also be aware of the risks and difficulties surrounding the use of this tool.
Our aim is to encourage students to learn about the technological advances of a constantly-changing world. ICT is a subject that supports other areas and provides skills for everyday life. The ICT Club offered by the department consists of a series of workshops based on computer designs and programming techniques.
This subject’s objectives are to expand the students’ research and communication skills, in addition to working on 3D design, programming with Scratch, Google Apps, Java, Phyton, algorithmic problems and Raptor, as well as workshops in Java game programming, programming of apps for mobile devices using App Inventor, LEGO robots, robotics and SNAP-BYOB design.
The Mathematics Department strives for all students to perform well in their exams, and the proof is that there is a record number of students choosing Maths as a subject for study in the Sixth Form. Our aim is for this subject to be entertaining and stimulating so that pupils understand the relevance of what they learn and how it can be applied to real-life situations outside of school.
Our priority is to develop the students’ confidence so that they do not feel embarrassed when they make mistakes and are never afraid to try new challenges.
The students are divided into three groups of different levels (sets) which are modified according to pupils’ progress. Those who demonstrate high skill levels are offered the opportunity to advance in one or more curriculum objectives so that they can reach higher levels.
In this subject, students develop their sensitivity to aesthetics and strengthen their creative skills.
They study world music from different eras and become familiar with performers and composers from all over the world. At the same time, they use traditional acoustic instruments, electronic instruments and modern technological applications and programs (on iPads and computers) for their musical creations and compositions.
All students are encouraged to play an instrument and attend the school’s Music Club to have fun and develop their musical skills.
This subject contributes to the progressive development of:
Our department offers a broad and balanced curriculum in Physical Education (PE). In the first years of secondary school (Key Stage 3: Years 7, 8 and 9), students develop an understanding and awareness of a wide variety of athletic skills, gymnastics, games and swimming. In the final stage of Secondary school (Key Stage 4: Years 10 and 11), students develop leadership skills and comprehend the need to continue exercising as part of a healthy lifestyle.
In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we advise all pupils to participate in physical activities from three to five days per week for a continuous period of time, lasting a minimum of 20-30 minutes per day.
This is a curriculum subject for students in Years 7 to 11 and is based on three fundamental pillars: fostering good mental health, promoting healthy relationships with others and developing critical thinking.
To start, students are taught strategies to look after their own mental health and provide emotional support to their friends. Secondly, they are equipped with the skills to identify unhealthy relationships with others as well as strategies to deal with them. Lastly, they develop a critical view of today’s society, analysing the different phenomena that exert social pressure: self image and the standard of beauty, television, advertising, new technologies, peer pressure and stereotypes.
Psychology is a dynamic subject and this department strives to reflect this in its lessons, aiming to provide an academic challenge to students through key situations and to expand their knowledge about psychological theories and their application in today’s society. Memory, non-verbal communication, personality development, stereotypes, research and learning methods, social influence, sex and gender are some of the topics that will be discussed throughout Secondary in order to have a better understanding of society.
Pupils should show an active interest in researching human behaviour and begin to think about how to critically evaluate research. We advise you to sign up for the free research newsletter of the British Psychological Society (www.bps.org).
In the Religion Department, our hope is that students will learn social and Christian values, not only in theory, but also in practice, so that they understand that everyone’s collaboration is necessary in order for a society to work properly. This is an experience-based subject, so the students’ learning should be shared with their families at home. We therefore request that you reinforce the content at home by discussing topics related to religion or through practising prayers.
Through this subject, students will gain a broad knowledge of the Church from its origins, as well as its sacraments and its most representative leaders and works.
In the 21st century, Biology is at the centre of scientific research. The human genetics programme has contributed new medical opportunities and has added a new perspective on how we understand life.
Our objective at Caxton College is to help the students of today understand biological concepts so that they can one day become the doctors and scientists of tomorrow.
We recommend using the Doodle Learn app as it is an excellent resource with a multitude of questions and summaries. The students also have the option to attend a scientific experiments workshop where they can participate in the Crest Award of the British Science Association, an enrichment programme in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Physics has no limits: everything in life, all the way to the end of the universe and beyond, is related to Physics.
The Physics department at Caxton College aims to inspire the next generation of physicists so they can surpass the limits of development and understanding and involve them in finding solutions to the problems we face in the 21st century.
Physics students develop practical skills that include planning and analysis of scientific research. Our department views Physics as something more than just a subject, and the objective is for students to understand the importance of research and the impact it has on our daily lives.
We recommend using the Doodle Learn app as it is an excellent resource with a multitude of questions and summaries. The students also have the option to attend a scientific experiments workshop where they can participate in the Crest Award of the British Science Association, an enrichment programme in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
In the Chemistry Department we aim for our students to be responsible and aware of their impact on the environment. One of the many topics we study is environmental chemistry, which allows our students to understand the chemical basis behind many of the initiatives undertaken by governments and the business world. We also teach students personal safety precautions and recommend using the Doodle Learn app as it is an excellent resource with a multitude of questions and summaries.
The students also have the option to attend a scientific experiments workshop where they can participate in the Crest Award of the British Science Association, an enrichment programme in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
The main objective of this course is for students to gain a better understanding of the world we live in and how we have arrived in the present day. In addition, they are made aware of how certain decisions that we make today, as well as decisions that our ancestors made in the past, have short and long term consequences that we must accept.
During lessons, our aim is to take the students back in time and make them the protagonists of major historical events, putting them into the shoes of Hannibal, Nero, Isabella the Catholic or Napoleon. Their historical tour begins in Ancient Greece and ends with Spain’s transformation and democracy in current times. Along the way, pupils will discover the different and extraordinary historical eras that have shaped contemporary society.
The study of this subject is not purely based on memorisation. The student must have a solid understanding of the subject matter in order to be able to establish relationships between concepts.
When international students join Caxton College, their level of Spanish is often very basic. For this reason, it is a priority for the department’s teachers to ensure that these pupils progressively acquire the vocabulary and grammatical structures appropriate to the different situations that they will encounter.
Spanish as a Foreign Language contributes to the pupils’ development in the following areas:
Within the subject’s curriculum, students will also have lessons in Spanish culture, during which they will be exposed to topics such as history, literature, festivals and cinema.
Pupils will also have lessons to begin learning the Valencian language.
The Spanish as a Foreign Language programme consists of two stages:
• From Years 7 to 9, Spanish as a Foreign Language is taught according to the programme set forth by the Instituto Cervantes.
• From Years 10 to 13, students are taught according to the syllabuses for the British examinations in Spanish IGCSE and Spanish A Level.
Language is the key to understanding other areas of culture. It is the instrument with the ability to organise our mind; it facilitates and expands our possibilities of communication and the formation of relationships; and allows us to analyse the world around us and to participate in it.
Throughout this stage of their education, students work in depth on grammar; syntax; vocabulary; spelling; differences between speech, language and communication; the media; Spanish literary genres; writers and their most representative works; as well as many other aspects key to their linguistic and literary knowledge.
One of the main aims of this department is for pupils to meet these objectives in an enjoyable and constructive way. They are also encouraged to read, as this is a very important part of their education, as well as to take advantage of public libraries and the school library in order to be able to access a wide variety of books and new technologies.
In class, the students have digital resources from Aulaplaneta with a number of different references and links for this subject. They are also encouraged to use the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy) and Caxtontic web pages.
Students have one weekly lesson during which they learn the Valencian language and also develop an appreciation for its culture.
Pupils will be continually evaluated throughout the academic year. Exams will be given in order to evaluate pupils’ learning, but mainly for them to put into practise the knowledge they have acquired in lessons.
In the final I/GCSE exams that Year 11 students sit in order to progress to the Sixth Form, our pupils achieve strong results every year.
GRADE | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
From 9 to 6 | 88,57% | 99,08% | 96,39% | 96,12% | 96,35% | 92,37% |
From 9 to 6 | 70.14% | 85,93% | 80,69% | 84.63% | 83,41% | 78,82% |
From 9 to 7 | 45,73% | 61,62% | 57,50% | 66,81% | 62,71% | 62,58% |
I/GCSE - PASS RATE 2024 | Total Student | 9-7 | 9-6 | 9-5 | INTERNATIONAL PASS RATE 9-5 (SEPT 2024) |
ART & DESIGN - FINE ARTS | 10 | 50,00% | 70,00% | 80,00% | 68% |
BIOLOGY SEPARATE SCIENCE | 58 | 68,97% | 93,10% | 98,28% | 81% |
BUSINESS | 67 | 23,88% | 37,31% | 62,69% | 53% |
CHEMISTRY SEPARATE SCIENCE | 59 | 77,97% | 91,53% | 98,31% | 82% |
COMPUTER SCIENCE | 22 | 27,27% | 45,45% | 77,27% | 58% |
ENGLISH LANGUAGE A | 114 | 39,47% | 64,04% | 94,74% | 87% |
ENGLISH LITERATURE | 18 | 61,11% | 72,22% | 94,44% | 90% |
FRENCH | 40 | 100% | 100% | 100% | 87% |
FURTHER MATHEMATICS | 39 | 42,11% | 73,68% | 89,47% | 85,4% |
GEOGRAPHY | 42 | 47,62% | 83,33% | 92,86% | 86% |
GERMAN | 15 | 100% | 100% | 100% | 93% |
HISTORY | 16 | 56,25% | 75,00% | 93,75% | 83% |
MATHEMATICS A | 118 | 55,93% | 80,51% | 97,46% | 80% |
PHYSICAL EDUCATION | 21 | 9,52% | 38,10% | 76,19% | 56% |
PHYSICS SEPARATE SCIENCE | 58 | 79,31% | 87,93% | 94,83% | 82% |
PSYCHOLOGY | 17 | 23,53% | 52,94% | 82,35% | 53,9% |
SCIENCE | - | 48,21% | 69,64% | 83,93% | 72% |
SPANISH IGCSE | 180 | 97,79% | 99,44% | 99,44% | 91% |
Number | % | |
Distinction | 100 | 80,65% |
Merit | 21 | 16,94% |
GRADE | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
From 9 to 6 | 88,57% | 99,08% | 96,39% | 96,12% | 96,35% | 92,37% |
From 9 to 6 | 70.14% | 85,93% | 80,69% | 84.63% | 83,41% | 78,82% |
From 9 to 7 | 45,73% | 61,62% | 57,50% | 66,81% | 62,71% | 62,58% |
I/GCSE - PASS RATE 2024 | Total Student | 9-7 | 9-6 | 9-5 | INTERNATIONAL PASS RATE 9-5 (SEPT 2024) |
ART & DESIGN - FINE ARTS | 10 | 50,00% | 70,00% | 80,00% | 68% |
BIOLOGY SEPARATE SCIENCE | 58 | 68,97% | 93,10% | 98,28% | 81% |
BUSINESS | 67 | 23,88% | 37,31% | 62,69% | 53% |
CHEMISTRY SEPARATE SCIENCE | 59 | 77,97% | 91,53% | 98,31% | 82% |
COMPUTER SCIENCE | 22 | 27,27% | 45,45% | 77,27% | 58% |
ENGLISH LANGUAGE A | 114 | 39,47% | 64,04% | 94,74% | 87% |
ENGLISH LITERATURE | 18 | 61,11% | 72,22% | 94,44% | 90% |
FRENCH | 40 | 100% | 100% | 100% | 87% |
FURTHER MATHEMATICS | 39 | 42,11% | 73,68% | 89,47% | 85,4% |
GEOGRAPHY | 42 | 47,62% | 83,33% | 92,86% | 86% |
GERMAN | 15 | 100% | 100% | 100% | 93% |
HISTORY | 16 | 56,25% | 75,00% | 93,75% | 83% |
MATHEMATICS A | 118 | 55,93% | 80,51% | 97,46% | 80% |
PHYSICAL EDUCATION | 21 | 9,52% | 38,10% | 76,19% | 56% |
PHYSICS SEPARATE SCIENCE | 58 | 79,31% | 87,93% | 94,83% | 82% |
PSYCHOLOGY | 17 | 23,53% | 52,94% | 82,35% | 53,9% |
SCIENCE | - | 48,21% | 69,64% | 83,93% | 72% |
SPANISH IGCSE | 180 | 97,79% | 99,44% | 99,44% | 91% |
Number | % | |
Distinction | 100 | 80,65% |
Merit | 21 | 16,94% |