Our Pupils’ Wellbeing is Our Priority

We have a whole school Child Protection and Safeguarding policy to ensure that all of our young people feel safe and happy at school.

We Aim to Provide a Welcoming Atmosphere

Protection of our students

Prevention is the Best Tool

We continually monitor the emotional wellbeing of our pupils through the PASS questionnaire (Pupil Attitudes to Self and School), which is completed by Primary students in Years 4, 5 and 6, as well as all students in Secondary.


All of our teaching and non-teaching staff receive regular training to ensure that they know how to proceed in case of any sign of alarm and are able to provide effective support for any student who requires it.

Continual Revision

Our policy is under constant revision since the dangers young people may encounter change constantly, and new social situations arise that pose a risk to them.


Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Team

Our aim is for all students to feel listened to, respected and valued at all times, but particularly when a problem arises, whether minor or serious. For this reason we have six Designated Safeguarding Leads, three in Primary and three in Secondary

How do we go about it?

Members of our team discuss Child Safeguarding.

Would you like to join our educational community?

Contact the Admissions team to clear up any queries you may have, or to request a visit. We look forward to giving you a warm welcome.