

Be a Part of a Unique Educational Experience

Contact the Admissions team to request information or book a visit.

+34 96 142 41 72 from 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday - Friday

Admissions Process

If you are interested in a place for your child in any year group, we recommend that you contact us at least one full year before their proposed date of entry.

Click here for the equivalency table comparing the British and Spanish systems.

Have a look at our School Prospectus.

Step 1

Contact us by:

Completing our online contact form

Calling us on +34 96 142 41 72


Step 2

Place availability

After receiving your request for information, the Admissions Department will contact you to inform you about the availability of places, and depending on whether there is a place for your child, to organise a visit online or in person.

Step 3

Confirmation of enrolment

After the visit, the Admissions Department will send you instructions to complete the online application form. In certain circumstances, it may be necessary for us to contact the student’s previous school.

Places are offered on a first come, first served basis. Where places are not available, children will be added to the waiting list.

If your child is on the waiting list and a place becomes available, we will contact you to start the admissions process.

The application does not legally bind you to accept a place at Caxton College.

Applications do not confirm places as these are subject to availability.

Next Steps in Baby Caxton and Nursery (1 to 3 years of age)

During the year we encourage you to attend the activities offered in the Discover Us programme.

After a place has been offered, it must be accepted within two weeks. Once this has been confirmed, families will be asked to complete the online enrolment form, which the Admissions Department will provide. Once the enrolment has been received, you will be charged the corresponding fee.

Parents and children who will be joining Nursery (age 3) will have a personal interview with one of the school psychologists before the school year starts.

After enrolment has been confirmed, families will receive their access codes for the Family Area, one of the main tools of communication with the school.

In June we invite the families of all new Baby Caxton and Nursery pupils to an information meeting about the year ahead.

At the start of September, another meeting is held with class teachers and assistants. At this meeting you will learn about the day to day running of Baby Caxton and Nursery, the curriculum and important dates for your diary.

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Next Steps in Reception and Primary (4 to 10 years of age)

The student’s final academic grades from the last two school years should be attached to the application form, if applicable.

  • For admissions from Reception to Year 3, if a place is available in the child’s year group, we will arrange an appointment for you to come to the school to meet with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
  • For admissions from Year 4 to Year 6, if a place is available in the child’s year group, we will arrange an appointment for them to come to the school to sit entrance tests. If your child is unable to sit the tests in the school due to distance, this can be organised in coordination with their current school. We will also organise an online or in-person informal meeting between the student and the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. 

If the student achieves good results in the entrance tests, we will request written references from their current school.

Places are offered depending on the results of the entrance tests, grades in school reports from the previous two academic years and the references received. 

If a place is offered to your child, it must be accepted within two weeks. Once this has been confirmed, families will be asked to complete the online enrolment form, which the Admissions Department will provide. Once the enrolment has been received, you will be charged the corresponding fee.

After enrolment has been confirmed, families will receive their access codes for the Family Area, one of the main communication tools used by the school.

In September, all new students from Reception and Primary and their families are invited to an orientation meeting where they can meet the Primary Heads, receive advice on how best to help their child settle into school, meet the teachers and familiarise themselves with the classrooms and playgrounds. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the coming school year.

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Next Steps in Secondary (11 to 15 years of age)

The student’s final academic grades from the last two school years should be attached to the application form. 

If a place is available in your child’s year group, we will arrange an appointment for them to come to the school to sit our entrance tests in English, Maths and cognitive ability. If your child is unable to sit these tests in the school due to distance, this will be organised in coordination with their current school. 

We will organise an online or in-person informal meeting between the student and a member of the Secondary Leadership Team. 

If the student achieves good results in the entrance tests, we will request written references from their current school. 

Places are offered depending on the results of the entrance tests, grades in school reports from the previous two academic years and the references received. 

Places in Year 10 optional subjects are subject to availability. In order to be able to study one of these options, there are minimum grades that the student must achieve at the end of Year 9.  

If a place is offered to your child, it must be accepted within two weeks. Once this has been confirmed, families will be asked to complete the online enrolment form, which the Admissions Department will provide. Once the enrolment has been received, you will be charged the corresponding fee.

After enrolment has been confirmed, families will receive their access codes for the Family Area, one of the main communication tools used by the school.

In September, all new students and their families are invited to an orientation meeting where they can meet the Secondary Leadership Team, the tutors and other students, as well as a chance to familiarise themselves with their classrooms, sports areas and playgrounds. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the coming school year. 

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Next Steps in the Sixth Form (16 to 18 years of age)

Students coming from the British education system: 

These students will be asked to provide their predicted grades at GCSE.

  • They will not be required to complete entrance tests. Provisional places may be offered subject to official GCSE grades once received. 
  • Candidates must comply with the school’s internal progression policy, which will be provided by the Admissions Department.

Students coming from other education systems:

  • These students must complete entrance tests for the A Level subjects they have chosen, as well as an English language test. The candidate must comply with the school’s internal progression policy, which will be provided by the Admissions Department.
  • If, due to distance, a student cannot come to school to sit the tests, they can be organised at the student’s current school.

An informal online or in-person meeting will be organised for the pupil with a member of the Secondary Leadership Team.

Where a candidate has adequate predicted GCSE grades or suitable entrance test results, we will request a written reference from their current school.

Places for students coming from schools following the British curriculum will be offered based on grades in school reports from the previous two academic years, predicted GCSE grades and references received.

Places for students coming from schools following other education systems will be offered based on entrance test results, grades in school reports from the previous two academic years and references received.

Places in optional subjects in Year 12 are subject to availability. Minimum grades are required for places in these subjects.

If a place is offered to your child, it must be accepted within two weeks. Once this has been confirmed, families will be asked to complete the online enrolment form, which the Admissions Department will provide. Once the enrolment has been received, you will be charged the corresponding fee.

After enrolment has been confirmed, families will receive their access codes for the Family Area, one of the main communication tools used by the school.

In September, all new students and their families are invited to an orientation meeting where they can meet the Secondary Leadership Team, the tutors and other students, as well as a chance to familiarise themselves with their classrooms, sports areas and playgrounds. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the coming school year. 

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