We’d love for you to join our Old Caxtonian Association in order to help you develop your professional and social networks. For this reason we have established two categories:
Old Caxtonian Association Junior members (OCAJ)
For former students aged up to 27. A series of social activities throughout the year will help those in this category stay in touch with the Caxton Community.
Old Caxtonian Association Professional members (OCAP)
For former students who are over 27. Members will be invited to a variety of activities, both social and professional, as well as Shadowing and Mentoring programmes.
Events and Special Messages
Connecting Talent
The first initiative of the Association for OCAP members took place in the school in October 2019. Here are the links to published articles about the event and the image gallery. Enjoy this short video of the event!
Keeping Connected
Every year we organise events to stay in touch with our students after they complete their studies at school. We also love to talk about and share your academic and professional achievements with the rest of our community!
Our Old Caxtonians
Notable Academic and Professional Achievements