Caxton College follows the British curriculum with personalised and close attention
Children discover the world around them through play. For this reason, we have various creative learning areas that encourage exploration, independence, and cooperation. Part of our daily teaching takes place in outdoor classrooms where our pupils enjoy a stimulating environment, as the connection between learning and nature is a crucial factor in intellectual and emotional development.
The Caxton Way
Our aim is to enable our students to cultivate the virtues needed to flourish and make the world a better place. The Caxton Way weaves together three different threads: our creative academic curriculum to acquire knowledge and skills; a co-curriculum that aims to spark their artistic, sporting and cultural passions; and a character education that provides them with the tolls they will need to cultivate values. These three threads make up the path that our students follow throughtout their school life.
Our creative curriculum stimulates curiosity and encourages a healthy relationship with the environment, where educational games are a crucial factor in the intellectual and emotional development of our pupils.
Education in Social Responsibility
We aim to ensure that each child sees that values such as respect, perseverance and resilience are ones that they need to implement in their daily lives. Just like sowing a seed, this instils a sense of responsibility in them so that ideas related to the sustainability of the planet will blossom in the future. The educational resources and the classroom architecture convey messages that help them develop a need for environmental protection, fair trade, solidarity, and social inclusion, among many other topics covered by the sustainable development goals.
Psychologist and Special Educational Needs
Our team works closely with teachers, teaching assistants and support teachers to help pupils with additional needs.
Support is given to both families and teachers in the following areas:
✦ Pupils with behavioural difficulties
✦ Respecting the school rules
✦ Development of autonomy and gross motor skills
✦ Language development
Written reports are sent home at the end of each term for all pupils and are based on the learning objectives from the EYFS Framework. Children develop their skills, knowledge and comprehension in order to ease the transition into the following stage.
The report includes the specific objectives that have been covered during the term. Depending on the children’s attainment, each objective will appear below one of two headings, as follows:
✦ I am developing as expected in
✦ I will further develop in
It is important to remember that all children develop at different rates. If children are identified as needing extra support at any point in the school year, you will be contacted, and a meeting arranged with the class teacher.
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School Prospectus