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The aim of this Handbook is to regulate and organise the internal procedures of the Club in order to ensure good sporting and social relationships in all areas. Knowledge of the rules set forth in this Handbook, as well as acceptance and compliance, is a compulsory requirement in order to form part of the Club.
1. Attending all training sessions and competition events is compulsory. Any absences must be notified and excused in advance, or in cases of force majeure, after the event.
2. Players should arrive punctually at all competitions and activities they are expected to attend.
1. Players should obtain and wear all of the Club’s uniform items when required. During training sessions, training kit should be worn, and at competitions, competition kit should be worn together with the Club tracksuit.
2. Players may not wear watches, earrings or any other accessories. Anything that cannot be
removed should be covered.
1. Players must bring the required documentation to formalise their enrolment in the Club and their registration in order to participate in competitions.
2. Players must pay the Club fees according to the published Schedule. Club fees do not include the uniform.
3. The Sport Club has a yearly fee that is divided into four payments: upon enrolment in June, and three more payments to be made in August, October and December (please refer to the Fees Schedule).
4. No refunds of these fees will be made due to absences (trips, illnesses, injuries etc).
5. If the school is obliged to stop training sessions for reasons beyond our control, no refunds will be made; however, an effort will be made to make up appropriately for missed sessions.
6. Once a fee has been paid, no refunds will be made even if a player withdraws from the club. Once a player has withdrawn, no further fees must be paid.
7. Any athlete who wish to join the Club shall pay the proportional part of the annual fee from the first day of the month of enrollment.
8. Any players joining during the second term must pay the proportional part of the yearly fees.
9. Use of school bus transport carries an additional fee.
10. ExtraClub activities in which a player participates (tournaments or trips)may require additional fees. The cost for these events will be notified in advance of confirmation of participation.
11. Competitions:
• Basketball and football: Fees include federated games or Jocs Esportius.
• Tennis: Fees do not include matches or tournaments, and information about extra fees will be sent on each occasion.
• Swimming
- If a swimmer registers for a competition and then does not compete, the registration fee must still be paid.
- Equipment: Each swimmer must purchase the required equipment as specified by the Club and must also bring their own fins and hand paddles.
1. Players must respect the freedom of conscience, dignity, integrity and privacy of all members of the Club and avoid any form of discrimination.
2. Players are to behave appropriately and respectfully at all times and in all activities, both in and out of school.
3. Players must not make any public comments (especially on social media) about people or entities related to the Club, or any competitions they participate in, which may be considered offensive to third parties and/or affect the Club’s image.
4. Players must actively participate and make their best effort in all training sessions and competitions.
5. In case ofinjury, players must follow their coach’s instructions in order to comply with the legal requirements for receiving medical care.
1. For trips to regular competitions, families are responsible for any costs, including travel at the destination. Players will pay for their own meals.
2. The Club may decide to pay all or part of the costs incurred by players in tournaments or special competitions.
The Caxton College Sport Club has an established code of conduct that all members must follow in order to promote integration and respect.
General Rules for players:
1. No electronic devices may be used before or for the duration of the training sessions, and may be confiscated by the coach and only returned after making a note of the infraction.
2. Once classes have ended, students may NOT leave the school grounds, whether to buy snacks or for any other reason other than the practice of the corresponding sport.
3. Follow all rules for training sessions, arrive on time and be ready for the training session to start.
4. Wear the appropriate clothing for each kind of activity.
5. Respect all members of the Club and the school with no regard for age, religion or race.
6. Do not participate in any physical or verbal aggressions.
7. Take care whilst using all equipment belonging to the school or other teammates.
For the purpose of appropriate sanctions, infractions are classified as follows:
- Minor
- Serious
- Very serious
Minor infractions
1. Repeated instances of late arrival.
2. Repeated unexcused absences.
3. Showing disrespect for the coach, a teammate or other adult.
4. Preventing the progress of a training session.
5. Behaviour showing lack of discipline or that is mildly insulting or offensive to others, either in person or on social media.
6. Inappropriate use of equipment or causing minor damage to equipment or facilities.
Serious infractions
1. Bullying.
2. Racist comments made to another person or group.
3. Showing serious disrespect either in person or on social media.
4. Behaviour showing serious lack of discipline or that is extremely insulting or offensive to others, or
any other actions that can harm the image of the Club.
5. Physical aggressions or serious insults.
6. Serious damage to equipment due to inappropriate use or to facilities.
7. Repeated minor infractions.
Very serious infractions
1. Repeated instances of behaviour showing lack of discipline, physical aggressions, insulting or offensive behaviour or other actions that can harm the image of the Club.
2. Abuse of authority.
3. Violation of previous sanctions.
4. A series of three (3) serious infractions in the same season.
The coach must inform the Club Coordinators and the School Management of any sanctions for serious or very serious infractions in order for these to be investigated, at which point any measures to taken will be decided depending on the seriousness of the incident.
Parents or guardians will be informed of the sanction, up to and including the expulsion of the player from the Club. In this case, the fees already paid will not be refunded.
We believe that discipline is a shared responsibility. Therefore we trust that all parents and guardians will actively support the implementation of this code of conduct.
The aim of this Handbook is to regulate and organise the internal procedures of the Club in order to ensure good sporting and social relationships in all areas. Knowledge of the rules set forth in this Handbook, as well as acceptance and compliance, is a compulsory requirement in order to form part of the Club.
1. Attending all training sessions and competition events is compulsory. Any absences must be notified and excused in advance, or in cases of force majeure, after the event.
2. Players should arrive punctually at all competitions and activities they are expected to attend.
1. Players should obtain and wear all of the Club’s uniform items when required. During training sessions, training kit should be worn, and at competitions, competition kit should be worn together with the Club tracksuit.
2. Players may not wear watches, earrings or any other accessories. Anything that cannot be
removed should be covered.
1. Players must bring the required documentation to formalise their enrolment in the Club and their registration in order to participate in competitions.
2. Players must pay the Club fees according to the published Schedule. Club fees do not include the uniform.
3. The Sport Club has a yearly fee that is divided into four payments: upon enrolment in June, and three more payments to be made in August, October and December (please refer to the Fees Schedule).
4. No refunds of these fees will be made due to absences (trips, illnesses, injuries etc).
5. If the school is obliged to stop training sessions for reasons beyond our control, no refunds will be made; however, an effort will be made to make up appropriately for missed sessions.
6. Once a fee has been paid, no refunds will be made even if a player withdraws from the club. Once a player has withdrawn, no further fees must be paid.
7. Any athlete who wish to join the Club shall pay the proportional part of the annual fee from the first day of the month of enrollment.
8. Any players joining during the second term must pay the proportional part of the yearly fees.
9. Use of school bus transport carries an additional fee.
10. ExtraClub activities in which a player participates (tournaments or trips)may require additional fees. The cost for these events will be notified in advance of confirmation of participation.
11. Competitions:
• Basketball and football: Fees include federated games or Jocs Esportius.
• Tennis: Fees do not include matches or tournaments, and information about extra fees will be sent on each occasion.
• Swimming
- If a swimmer registers for a competition and then does not compete, the registration fee must still be paid.
- Equipment: Each swimmer must purchase the required equipment as specified by the Club and must also bring their own fins and hand paddles.
1. Players must respect the freedom of conscience, dignity, integrity and privacy of all members of the Club and avoid any form of discrimination.
2. Players are to behave appropriately and respectfully at all times and in all activities, both in and out of school.
3. Players must not make any public comments (especially on social media) about people or entities related to the Club, or any competitions they participate in, which may be considered offensive to third parties and/or affect the Club’s image.
4. Players must actively participate and make their best effort in all training sessions and competitions.
5. In case ofinjury, players must follow their coach’s instructions in order to comply with the legal requirements for receiving medical care.
1. For trips to regular competitions, families are responsible for any costs, including travel at the destination. Players will pay for their own meals.
2. The Club may decide to pay all or part of the costs incurred by players in tournaments or special competitions.
The Caxton College Sport Club has an established code of conduct that all members must follow in order to promote integration and respect.
General Rules for players:
1. No electronic devices may be used before or for the duration of the training sessions, and may be confiscated by the coach and only returned after making a note of the infraction.
2. Once classes have ended, students may NOT leave the school grounds, whether to buy snacks or for any other reason other than the practice of the corresponding sport.
3. Follow all rules for training sessions, arrive on time and be ready for the training session to start.
4. Wear the appropriate clothing for each kind of activity.
5. Respect all members of the Club and the school with no regard for age, religion or race.
6. Do not participate in any physical or verbal aggressions.
7. Take care whilst using all equipment belonging to the school or other teammates.
For the purpose of appropriate sanctions, infractions are classified as follows:
- Minor
- Serious
- Very serious
Minor infractions
1. Repeated instances of late arrival.
2. Repeated unexcused absences.
3. Showing disrespect for the coach, a teammate or other adult.
4. Preventing the progress of a training session.
5. Behaviour showing lack of discipline or that is mildly insulting or offensive to others, either in person or on social media.
6. Inappropriate use of equipment or causing minor damage to equipment or facilities.
Serious infractions
1. Bullying.
2. Racist comments made to another person or group.
3. Showing serious disrespect either in person or on social media.
4. Behaviour showing serious lack of discipline or that is extremely insulting or offensive to others, or
any other actions that can harm the image of the Club.
5. Physical aggressions or serious insults.
6. Serious damage to equipment due to inappropriate use or to facilities.
7. Repeated minor infractions.
Very serious infractions
1. Repeated instances of behaviour showing lack of discipline, physical aggressions, insulting or offensive behaviour or other actions that can harm the image of the Club.
2. Abuse of authority.
3. Violation of previous sanctions.
4. A series of three (3) serious infractions in the same season.
The coach must inform the Club Coordinators and the School Management of any sanctions for serious or very serious infractions in order for these to be investigated, at which point any measures to taken will be decided depending on the seriousness of the incident.
Parents or guardians will be informed of the sanction, up to and including the expulsion of the player from the Club. In this case, the fees already paid will not be refunded.
We believe that discipline is a shared responsibility. Therefore we trust that all parents and guardians will actively support the implementation of this code of conduct.